Oh, what a beautiful day, although i don't feel so beautiful today!! anyway, i was watching some series called "Chuck" this morning before class to try and lift my spirits, and it worked because while i was watching there came a part where;
Chuck and his friends work at Buy More and there's a sale a the store today, so there are a lot of customers and its chaotic! While they are trying to keep things under control the cash registers' main system breaks and the only one who knows how to fix them is Lester, and Lester at that moment is having a nervous breakdown from all the activity. So to try and persuade him to stop hiding and help them fix the cash registers Chuck says to him;
" If you don't fix the registers, we can't serve the customers,
and if we don't serve the customers, they can't leave,
and if they don't leave, more will keep coming and the store will fill up.
And if the store fills up, it will explode!!!!
Chuck was able to persuade Lester to get up and fix the cash registers by using ' An Ad Populum Appeal To Indirect Consequences'. It was funny how, the minute I heard it i realized that Chuck had used a Fallacy as his argument. I jumped up to attention and wrote it down, my house mate thought I'd finally cracked from all the pressure MMU puts on us.
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